Tax data
Owner: Imar Sanmartí
NIF: B55589303
Address: C/ Mecanica 19 Barcelona 08038
Phone: 661172458
Personal data protection
The personal data collected through the website are only used for the purposes of providing the requested services as well as billing them. Your data will be located in files owned by Imar Sanmartí for billing purposes and will be archived for the legally necessary period of time. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in writing to Imar Sanmartí at C/ Mecanica 19 Barcelona 08038.
Intellectual property and responsibility for the contents
Any use of all the contents of the website, specifically the texts, design and source code, is prohibited without the express authorization of its owners. Any unauthorized use will be duly prosecuted by the legitimate owners.
The owner of the website is not responsible for the contents to which the links located on it are directed, according to what is established in article 17 of the LSSICE.